An internship at Quest Studio

Educational, fascinating and fun. That is how I would briefly describe my internship at Quest Studio. For eleven weeks I worked together with Michael and Jeroen and I learned an incredible amount from them. In this blog I briefly outline how my internship went and what you can expect from an internship at Quest.

How was my internship at Quest Studio?

When I started looking (very critically) for an internship I never expected to find a place that would actually meet all my requirements. I wasn’t looking for a place where all I had to do was boring and repetitive desk work, or where I was treated as ‘just an intern’.

I was looking for a place where I could really put my knowledge and skills to good use and where I could actually see myself working in the future. I wanted to be in direct contact with customers and to be involved in a wide range of projects. And above all, I was looking for a place that shares my vision that as designers we have the opportunity – and therefore also the responsibility – to make a difference with our skills.
I found this place with Quest.

The only source of knowledge is experience

Right from the start of my internship, I immediately felt like Michael and Jeroen trusted me and gave me a lot of responsibility. This allowed me to learn a lot by just doing things. I was constantly challenged and taken out of my comfort zone, but in an environment where I felt safe and supported. I received valuable feedback and help when needed and Jeroen and Michael also asked for my feedback. I quite liked that they considered my opinion important as well. This really made me feel part of the team.

I was constantly challenged and taken out of my comfort zone, but in an environment where I felt safe and supported

– Janao

What I found most fascinating was that no project is ever the same. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, while I had somewhat gotten that impression during my studies. I learned that every project requires a different approach and that you can – and have to – be creative with methodologies.

Janao leading a workshop during her internship at Quest Studio
I was given the opportunity to facilitate a customer journey workshop for a startup

Thanks to the wide variety of projects, every day of my internship was different. Some days I spent at the office, other days I went to meetings with clients, I conducted interviews or I even facilitated workshops. My internship was over before I realized. Eleven weeks full of new impressions and experiences, interesting people and projects and especially many learning moments.

What has really amazed me is how much I have learned. I did not expect that I would get so many new insights. There are many more things that you do not learn at school than I ever thought possible.

There are many more things that you do not learn at school than I ever thought possible.
– Janao
Janao during her internship at Quest Studio
Totally ready for the interviews...

I’d like to stay

During my internship I’ve also built up a real appreciation for Jeroen and Michael. What I especially admire about them is that they dare to choose. They dare to say “no” to (potential) customers and always adhere to their values. Customers don’t only choose them but they also choose their customers. That’s certainly not easy to do, but it is something that I fully support. Why would you help a customer if that only means that his negative impact will become even greater

Jeroen and Michael dare to choose. They dare to say ‘no’ to (potential) customers and always adhere to their values. I really appreciate that.

– Janao

My goal as a designer is to help people. At Quest I can use my skills to create a positive impact and that is the biggest reason why I also wanted to stay here after my internship. I am therefore very happy to be able to continue working at Quest as a service designer.

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