Introducing our first impact report

Introducing our 2021 Impact Report

After writing an abundant amount of impact and sustainability reports for our clients throughout the years, we thought it was finally our turn to become truly transparent and put our company story out there for the world to see.
2021 was a challenging, and formative year for us, but it was also a productive and prosperous year.

By publicly sharing our first Impact Report, we hope to inspire others to do the same because we believe this is the only way to become a driver for positive change.

Some of our top hits from 2021: 

  • We grew from a team of 3 to 6 in a matter of months
  • We volunteered 344 hours to nonprofit clients
  • We launched our popular impact scan tool 
  • We began evaluating the carbon footprint of our products 

Now we could list all of our achievements and challenges but want to let our Impact Report speak for itself. 
Download our 2021 Impact Report 

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