Trainings & Events

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to transform how to measure, maximize, and communicate positive impact, and we believe that sharing expertise and insights is the key to achieving this goal. Explore our training modules, reach out for a customized training session, or book us as speakers. Together, we can inspire, educate, and catalyze transformative action!

Past events

24 April 2024

How to get started with ESG?

ESG is a complex topic and it can be easy to get lost in the abundance of available and sometimes contradictory information. Which frameworks are relevant for you? What does ESG mean for your organization? What should you focus on and why? And how do you compare to others in your industry?

In this webinar we give you the tools and guidelines to get a full grasp of your ESG performance.

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7 February 2024

How to authentically stand out amidst greenwashing?

Do you want to get a clear understanding of what greenwashing is, how to avoid it, how to close the say-do gap and communicate sustainability effectively?

Customized training

Would you prefer a training tailored to your organization? We can create custom topic-specific workshops, inspirational sessions or full in-depth trajectories.

28 March 2024

CSRd and reporting frameworks

Impact reporting is becoming an ever more important topic for organizations worldwide, whether it is to comply to new regulations or to gain trust by being more transparent. But the landscape of reporting frameworks can be overwhelming and confusing, making the process long and gruesome.  Double materiality is now no longer a “nice to have”, but instead a mandatory approach to understand the impact a company has on the world, and vice versa.

Book us as speakers

Whether you’re seeking insights, expertise, or a fresh perspective to captivate your audience, we’ve got you covered! Let’s drive transformative ideas together.