B Corp strengthens its position as a trustworthy label

It is fair to say that we are bombarded with adverts across various media channels almost every day, all day. They fill our news feed, appear on our commute to work, and interrupt our favourite TV show. Still today, a significant amount of those adverts stem from fossil fuel companies that want to green their image by making us believe that they are part of the solution towards a green economy. In an unprecedented move, one media agency has now been uncovered in helping fossil fuel companies push false claims to the eyes and ears of consumers.

What exactly happened?

Media agencies have been working with all sorts of ‘dirty’ industries for a very long time. And yet, when Shell’s selection of Havas, a major French media agency, came to light in Mid-September 2023, many people raised their eyebrows. How could a marriage between an agency with B Corp status and a fossil fuel company go unnoticed or be tolerated by society in times like these? Fast forward to the summer 2024, after sustained pressure and complaints from a coalition of other agencies condemning this partnership, four agencies owned by French advertising group Havas were stripped of their B Corp status. While it may not be the first time that B Lab strips companies of their B Corp status (remember the BrewDog case), this still remains an unprecedented move that may forever change the rules of the game.

What is the B Corp certification and how does it help?

The B Corp certification is today one of the most renowned sustainability labels that distinguish businesses acting as a force for good. Organisations that act for, rather than against, people and the planet. And the process to become certified is by no means easy. Analysed and assessed by B Lab, businesses have to showcase how they minimise their negative impact and embed sustainability within their core operations. While the certification is open for all profit-making corporations, one thing that the certification has been firm about for a long time is its stand on prohibiting controversial industries such as fossil fuels to become part of this exclusive community. The certification can by no means be used to cover persistent greenwashing. 

However, this has not stopped fossil fuel companies from working closely with other B Corp companies, such as Havas, that claim to be ethical and environmentally-friendly. A move that breaches B Lab’s core values expressed in its Declaration of Interdependence. In order to ensure its long-term viability and to overcome public scrutiny, B Lab is now evolving its standards to include more rigorous due diligence for environmental impact and human rights. They are due to be released later in 2025.

B Corp logo

What are governments doing about it?

‘The godfathers of climate chaos.’ That is what fossil fuel companies are in the words of António Guterres, UN Secretary General. Like many other people around the world, he is calling for an end to fossil fuels and particularly addresses those that continue to aid and abet them. In other words: advertising and PR companies.

While many governments restrict or prohibit advertising for products that harm human health, just like tobacco, almost none have taken concrete action in protecting us against fossil fuels. In 2022, France became the first country in the world to ban adverts for fossil fuel companies, even though its law doesn’t come without loopholes. Cities such as Amsterdam have also kickstarted initiatives to ban fossil fuels advertising in public spaces such as public transport, but it is clear that so much more needs to be done.

So, what next?

It’s worth noting that Havas is not the only media agency group to have fossil-fuel clients. On the one side they portray themselves as climate champions, while behind the curtain they continue to simultaneously advance the interests of fossil fuel companies. As more and more of us are demanding full transparency, many more will be uncovered and questioned for ethics, integrity, and malpractice. Facing this reputational risk, there is no doubt that agencies can also become the catalysts of change that use their power and ability to influence people’s behaviour to make more environmentally friendly choices, rather than inflicting further harm to people and the planet. We therefore call all agencies to not be seduced by the lucrative deals offered by fossil fuels, but to instead make a genuine commitment to divest from working with them. It is everyone’s responsibility to move away from fossil fuels and embark on a journey towards regeneration.

To B Corp or not to B Corp? As a B Corp certified consultancy, we truly believe that businesses have a responsibility to amplify their positive impact. By coaching and training businesses on their road to certification, we ensure that every eligible business can become a reason for hope and a force for good.


Need help on your journey towards B Corp certification?

It is time to reduce your negative impact, and most importantly make a positive change. We are here to help you on that journey.

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