Writing Montea’s impact report

Writing Montea’s impact report

The challenge

Montea is a stock-listed developing investor in logistics real estate. Their sustainability manager approached Quest because Montea wanted to publish its first impact report and they needed someone to help them create a sound reporting framework. We accepted the challenge because we saw a very strong ambition and long-term strategy focused on driving real positive change.

Montea’s Impact Report 2020

For us, writing an impact report is more about pushing our customers to be as transparent and to-the-point as possible than it is about the actual writing. We build a solid structure for the report, taking into account reporting frameworks like GRI and EPRA. The results:

  • Montea’s GRESB score more than doubled from 32 to 69
  • They won an EPRA sBPR Silver Award
  • Bank Degroof Petercam praised Montea’s sustainability efforts and transparent communications in their report on the logistics sector:

Even if sustainability reporting is becoming a standard in the industry, we observe huge differences in the quality and transparency of companies’ communication. We lack quantified targets and detailed action plans for some players. Although this can be explained by the size of the structures, efforts still need to be made. Especially, most companies lack a tangible action plan clearly stating the way forward. Our view is that Montea stands out in that regard.

– Real Estate Sector Note: Logistics, Bank Degroof Petercam

Montea’s Impact Report 2021

For Montea’s 2021 impact report we focused on creating even more transparency by building a clear impact roadmap up until 2050. This year, Montea strengthened its ambitions once more by deciding to also focus on the operational carbon of their portfolio and the embodied carbon of their new developments.

What we particularly liked is that Montea allowed us to make a clear statement on CO2-neutrality in this report. As of 2021, Montea’s operations are made CO2-neutral through compensation. It would have been very easy for them to boast about this achievement just like a lot of other companies do. Instead, we put things into perspective by comparing the footprint of their operations to the footprint of their portfolio. By doing so, we made clear that Montea acknowledges it still has a long way to go, but that it also has the ambition and a verified roadmap to tackle that challenge.

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