Tailoring Cordeel’s impact report
The challenge

Tailoring a compelling impact report customizable for future use

Impact Area: Systems Change

Cordeel Group is a Belgian-based, family-owned construction company that has grown to become a major European player in the construction industry. Currently, the Group oversees multiple businesses, partnerships, and joint ventures working together to create sustainable, future-proof construction solutions, from design and technical support to completion and maintenance.

Cordeel is on a mission to do meaningful business as the fastest builder in Europe by driving positive impact and contributing to a more sustainable future. The construction company approached us with a request for support in tailoring a compelling impact report whose setup could be adapted for future use.

Our approach

Empowering Cordeel's sustainability story through engaging design, accessibility, and effective copywriting

Initially, the idea was a simple PDF template, but we recommended a web format that would provide a more engaging and interactive user experience while being highly adaptable for future use.

  • UX/UI Design:

    We began the project by creating wireframes to outline the structure and functionality of the website. The design strikes a balance between creativity and practicality, making it highly flexible.

  • Development:

    The development phase focused on building customizable content blocks and creating interactive graphs. We also made sure the report would be easily accessible by allowing users to download the full website in an automatically generated PDF format.

  • Copywriting:

    Our team supported Cordeel in drafting and finalizing its impact report by using GRI standards as a framework to determine the report content and to make it easy to navigate for stakeholders.

Our solution

Crafting a user-friendly sustainability report adaptable for future use

We successfully supported Cordeel in crafting a compelling impact report with a focus on adaptability and user experience. Compared to a simple PDF, the website we developed is much more user-friendly, thanks to the hamburger menu that allows for easy navigation. Meanwhile, the interactive graphs make Cordeel’s impressive impact achievements stand out. We also designed an easy-to-use back-end and highly customizable content blocks, making the template as adaptable as possible and future updates a breeze. Indeed, the key advantage of our digital solution is adaptability: Cordeel won’t have to invest in a new reporting design in the next few years, as they will be able to adapt the web template we developed to publish future impact reports. 

Concerning copywriting, we used GRI standards to create the framework and redefine the content, making the report as user-friendly as possible and challenging Cordeel to be even more ambitious and transparent. Unlike typical sustainability reports, we went a step further by tailoring the content table to align with company-specific information and cater to the needs of users, while still adhering to relevant frameworks. Given our experience in reporting, we also chose to use simple language and alternate technical pieces with entertaining visuals from Cordeel’s day-to-day processes. Clear explanations and introductions were provided throughout the report to ensure ease of navigation and comprehension for stakeholders. The final result is a user-friendly, highly customizable report that engages readers with its interactive features and clear communication of data.

Impact report cordeel mobile
Impact report cordeel mobile
The result

Unlocking the power of impact reporting to drive positive change, engage stakeholders, and achieve business objectives

Cordeel came to us because of our expertise in the field of impact reporting, built through supporting real estate companies such as Montea and Xior. Given our experience in the space, we know that a compelling sustainability report can be a powerful asset, providing several benefits for companies like Cordeel: 

  • Demonstrating commitment to sustainability: 

Through our 2022 impact report, we encouraged Cordeel to reinforce its commitment to corporate responsibility by undergoing a customized content and design makeover. This initiative aimed to enhance the company’s reputation and brand image as a responsible and trustworthy organization. By doing so, Cordeel will be better positioned to attract new clients, partners, and investors in the construction industry.

  • Engaging stakeholders: 

Our user-friendly digital solution is helping Cordeel engage with its stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, and communities, by providing them with easily accessible, transparent information about the company’s sustainability performance. This helps build trust and strengthen relationships with stakeholders.

  • Driving continuous improvement: 

Thanks to our reporting setup customized for further use, Cordeel can regularly report on its sustainability performance. By monitoring progress and identifying opportunities to further enhance its positive impact, Cordeel can better achieve its business objectives.

Simon Maillet
Quest has been a great support on our sustainability journey. Their passion is matched by their concrete, actionable ideas, ensuring our initiatives aren't just hypothetical. Quest is transparent, critical and a challenger. They are a reliable partner to get to the next level!
Simon Maillet, Sustainability Manager

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