Impact Scan tool

What is this for?

The Quest Impact Scan gives you an all-around picture of the current state of sustainability in your company and a reference point to help you become a sustainable and future-proof business with a positive impact on people and planet.

This tool helps you to measure negative and positive impacts across all levels of your organization. It enables you to gain insight into what you are doing well and where you need to improve. These insights can be leveraged to increase sustainability with quick wins, short-term and long-term goals.

We developed this tool based on the B Impact Assessment, the Sustainable Development Goals, the SAM corporate sustainability assessment and the GRI framework.

Impact Scan tool steps

  • 1

    Print the Impact Scan template

    Print the Impact Scan template on an A3 or bigger format.

    TIP: If you plan to use this tool as a guide to push sustainability forward in your organization, you might consider printing in a larger format and hang it somewhere people will notice.

  • 2

    Score your organization

    Score your organization on each topic of the 5 categories by coloring in the number of boxes corresponding to your score.

    TIP: Talk to people in your organization to get a full picture. Maybe they know about sustainability initiatives or systems you didn’t know about.

  • 3

    Analyze your score

    Analyze your scores and determine where you want to grow. Where can you minimize negative impacts and increase your positive impact? You can indicate the score you want to strive for by outlining the boxes on the template.

  • 4

    Take action

    Write down initiatives that can help you achieve these goals. What projects could you launch to create positive impact and use business as a force for good?

    TIP: Ask your colleagues for ideas. Involving more people at this stage will help you to come up with more sustainability initiatives, but more importantly it will create shared ownership between your co-workers. People feel more responsible when they are involved, which will help you to mobilize them later on and make your sustainability journey a success.

  • 5


    Share the Quest Impact Scan with your company, set-up your sustainability initiatives with allocated budgets and start working towards a more sustainable and resilient business.


Need a further scan of your organization?


Quest Impact Scan program helps you perform an extensive scan of all operations your organization executes and gain comprehensive insights into your impacts across the board. Our Impact Scan program in short:

  • Analysis of your competitors
  • Interviews with relevant staff members
  • Impact Scan results
  • Identify possible areas of growth
  • Create an improved sustainability strategy

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